Swim Coaching
Swim Coaching
Swim Coaching

Swim Coaching

Perfect your technique, overcome your fears, or teach your kids. 

Chacala is home to a world-class swim coach who competed globally and has a background in sports psychology. You’ll be amazed at the progress you can make while here. Classes are held in the ocean starting from the plaza.   

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Reviews from Swim Coaching guests

Jodi worked some miracles with both me AND my kids. We'd travel back to Chacala just to have the chance to work with her again. THANK YOU!
Janett Raven Aspen
May 13, 2024
I overcame my fears of the ocean! I now swim free and easy. THANK YOU!!!
Lucas Chacala
Dec 10, 2023
I don't particularly like swimming. But my coach was so encouraging and patient I think I might actually be starting to like it!
Dan Chacala
Dec 10, 2023
Many thanks and kudos! My kids are so proficient in the water now. Classes were fun and a great use of time. Full marks!
Anne Chacala
Dec 10, 2023
  • Owner: Chacala Swim Coach
  • Email: redgrovejodi@gmail.com